Anonymous Leavers Profiles

The following souls chose not to have their names published as they well know the pain caused when close friends/ blood family are still in the cult. The ramifications are widespread and from a mere actual account story like these, if a father were to see his daughter writing or a grandmother her grandson – the pain caused is the same. In the most self righteous way, the stigma that is attached when a parent cannot keep their child within the path, is tangible, and causes considerable mental anguish. The persons below have chosen to keep their loved ones from being caused more pain, even though it is largely self inflicted.

Anonymous, Cornwall 27/5/2013

Why did you leave or were you thrown out?  My father was nursed in our home by wordly nurses when he had cancer – I wanted to study nursing and the explanation as to why I could not didn’t make any sense to me(amongst many other things) I ran away, as I knew that trying to leave would otherwise be really difficult and if I stayed I would be responsible for getting my family shut up.

what was the reason you were withdrawn from (Do you know or care)? I think it was for ‘committing fornication’. I had moved in with my boyfriend.

what have you achieved since being out? I have made many friends and learnt to socialise. I have travelled, I have studied anatomy & physiology, health and social care, web design, massage and yoga.  I organise events, work with people with additional needs and have a wonderful little family of my own. I did not have the money to study nursing at the time of leaving, and feel it is no longer my path. I have found a peace I never had whilst in the peebs.

what is your path forward or ambition? I plan to take over the world. 🙂 Oh, and live a simple, sustainable lifestyle close to nature. I hope to one day have a relationship with my family in the peebs, and for them to meet my kids and husband.

did leaving the Brethren affect you in any way? Yes. I lost my entire family, all my childhood friends and my support system at 18 years old. My journey has been an emotional one and I still miss them a lot, but I was lucky to have had therapy and made new and very supportive friends who have helped me through.

lastly, if you could instigate one change in the peebs, what would it be? I like them to realise how un Godlike separation is and truly repent for the effects it has had on loving families.


Anonymous, Australia. 21/05/2013

Why did you leave or were you thrown out;

I left my parents’ home and the Exclusive Brethren cult aged 17 in the early 1970s, as a rebel, but really because it didn’t seem right or fair to me.  When I was about 9 my parents lied to me, and when I was around 14, I found out that they had. I distinctly remember thinking “if they can lie to me, I can lie to them” and also “if they lied about that, then what else are they lying about?”  It was at that stage that I started questioning whether the Exclusives were right.

What was the reason you were withdrawn from (Do you know or care);

I don’t know, and yes, I don’t care!!  I think my status was reversed during the review, because my birth family have been a lot friendlier since then.

What have you achieved since being out?

As most Exclusive Brethren girls in my era, I left school at 15.  I started studying when I was 40, and completed a Bachelor of Education, and two Graduate Certificates.  I taught at University for 15 years.

I have been married for 35 years, and have 3 children, totally untainted by anything peeb, 5 grandchildren and an amazing extended “family”. I have had wonderful rich committed stable relationships for many years.  My children have always had Aunties and Uncles, grandparents and cousins on both sides of our family.

I have a fulfilling and rewarding life and I have not lacked in any way as a result of walking away from the Exclusives – it was the best decision I ever made.  My husband (non-peeb) and I have all we need and more.  We have had a helping hand on occasions, but we have made it ourselves, and have been able to help others along the way.

What is your path forward or ambition;

My path forward is to continue to care for my family and those around me.  I would also like to go back to Asia and teach English for a while.

My ambition is to support such charities and endeavours as Destiny Rescue, that helps children who have been sold into prostitution (, and the Fistula Foundation who provides medical assistance to women who have been damaged in childbirth (

If you could instigate one change in the peebs, what would it be? 

I would initiate a return to the true gospel of Christ and in the process, reverse the falsehood of separation, “that sacrifices the lives of people on the altar of being right”.