
Suicides are often caused when a person feels they have no way out of their circumstances. This is how the PBCC tailor their indoctrination, if you are in the cult and you leave, they rip your entire life away from you and all too often this results in suicides. Most of these incredibly sad sucides/cases have been totally ignored by the Plymouuth Brethren Christian Church, and often accepted as never having happened. There are cases of deception, tampering with the scene of death, removal of suicide notes and much more. The links below lead to the Wikipeebia Forum and the specific post set aside for each.

If you would prefer to read what is on each post, we have copied the information into a full page for each of these poor souls who passed due to PBCC involvement and abuse at the hands of the PBCC – whether through mental abuse, indocrination or just simply having their families ripped apart by this evil cult.

These pages can be seen if one hovers over the ‘Suicides’ page link above.

RIP, PBCC has forgotten you, we will ensure the world gets to know and will never forget.

Here they are:

Mrs Rosie Waddell

David Beech

Ken Rogers

Ben Harris

James Ward

Frank Scott

Mrs Stollery

Roger Panes

Rex Curtis

Reg Piesse

Mrs Ivy Jones

Martin Lawson

Lee Wilson

Kevin Brandon

Jared Earl

Jack Reginald Wallis

Graeme Holt

Eva Maude Snowball Hales

Elsie and Winifred Rhodes – Double Suicide

Edward ‘Ted’ McGaveston

David Hendricks

Colin Smith

Anna Napthine

Andrew Hackett

Please note: Some of these cases are as yet incomplete, if you know anything about any of these sad incidents, please write to us and let us know.

There is a reason we call this the Memorial Project.