Plymouth Brethren Christian Church and Charity or the Exclusive Brethren under Bruce Hales and their attempts at getting a company passed as a charity in the UK, currently.
Baroness Berridge Contact Details
Article by Stephanie Biden on the Charitable Status of Plymouth Brethren
Interesting Wiki article on Parlimentarians and where they stand WRT the Charity Comission and PBCC
The following are unedited excerpts from brethren ministry and letters regarding ‘being charitable’
Ministry of J.T.Jr. Vol. 72, Page 133 (Barbados, 8 January 1967)
We take care of the poor. If they all did the same as we did, there would not be any poor, and there would not be any murmuring, because the poor would be looked after. You do not have to give to all these charities — I do not, anyway. I give any money I have to the assembly, for that is where it belongs. Do not give to all these other things, because, if these churches looked after their poor, we would not hear anything about this poverty in the world.
Ministry of J.T.Jr Vol. 133 page 25 (Barbados, 25 December 1969)
R.W.S. Does that allude to giving to charities, and different drives? Does our money belong to the assembly and not to these charities?
J.T.Jr. Yes, I used to give to those, but I do not give any more, any money I have is going in the box. These people that give to all these charities think they are very spiritual, I suppose. I think any money you have that your family does not want belongs in the box.
[RWS = Dr R. W. Stollery of Plainfield]
From a letter to Mr. Walter E. Drever, 3 March 1966
See Letters of James Taylor Jr, Vol. 4 page 272.
BELOVED BROTHER,—Thank you for yours of February 26. I used to donate to all these things [public charities—Ed.], but ceased quite a while ago feeling anything I had to give was to the assembly and those who practically compose it.
In the article “Belief and Morals among the Taylorites: a personal reflection,” published in The Evangelical Times (UK) in 2000, Professor Peter Caws describes how a woman called Elizabeth (not an EB member) died of leukemia in 1970 after her request for a bone marrow transplant from her twin (who was an EB member) was refused by the twin’s local assembly.
Letters of James Taylor Jr. Vol. 1, page 334 (in a letter dated 23 February 1956)
DEAR —, —I have yours of Feb. 14th; as to blood transfusions, I notice father makes a reference to it but does not enlarge on the matter in one of the readings on the Kingdom of God (Vol. 165 p. 53) [NS 59:56]. It came up in other readings which were not recorded, and I remember that it was concluded that it was not right to do it generally, but for one of the brethren it could be done.
Letters of James Taylor Jr. Vol. 4, page 58 (a letter to Mr. Leslie A. Corbin, 14 November 1963)
In regard to your inquiry about the donation of blood, I think this to be right in regard to your own family and also for the brethren, that is, those in fellowship. In these cases it would be a matter of righteousness, but to donate promiscuously I do not think is right.
Ministry of J. T. Jr., Vol. 38, page 311 (1965)
R.L.E. Is it right for a believer to donate blood to unbelievers ?
J.T.Jr. I do not think so. Your blood belongs to God. It is quite right, I think, to give it to the brethren, but to be promiscuous about it is not right.
Ministry of J. T. Jr., Vol. 80, page 51 (Des Moines, 12-13 May 1967)
C.D. May I ask a question as to blood transfusions? Is there any point in it?
J.T.Jr. The blood of a saint is fine blood. In an emergency, you have to go by it. This is not that people want to do anything wrong; they want to keep people alive, so be sure whose blood you are getting into you if you can; try to get the blood of a spiritual man. You do not know whose blood you are getting, do you?
S.McC. J.T. stressed in Cleveland, during the war, that we should avoid promiscuous blood-giving. He did not say anything about transfusions, but during the war, when the Red Cross and others were appealing for blood, he said that we should not act like the world, and promiscuously give blood as the world gives.
Mr Taylor similarly disapproved of donating hearts for transplant surgery (Ministry of J.T.Jr. Vol. 130 page 32).
Disclaimer: It is acknowledged that these references come from books published by Gospel and Tract depot, now continuing at Greenford, Middlesex. At the present, this publishing house only sells these books to its members, and not to the general public. However these works have been quoted here in accordance with International Copyright laws which allow works to be quoted for purposes of critique.