Which part of B-A-D don’t you get?

Some of the greatest miscarriages of justice and examples of human wickedness in the world have occurred because people closed their minds and would not listen to the truth. Then they say, when things become irrefutable- “We didn’t know”.
It is not different today with a very small pocket of British politicians who have been beguiled and had their ulterior motives preyed upon by the Exclusive Brethren. The blinkered Robert Halfon just doesn’t get it. Worse – he doesn’t even want to listen. Which makes me wonder -Why? Read the blog site of Clr Richard Stay, who is one of the most effective voices thousands of victims of the Exclusive Brethren have ever had. There are still politicians pushing the Brethren barrow so hard -you have to wonder why. I’m not suggesting anything untoward or illegal but it certainly beggars belief.
I refuse to call the Exclusive Brethren by their new name -Plymouth Christian Brethren -which was designed and imported a few short months ago to confuse people on their real identity, given the constant wave of exceptionally bad publicity they have justifiably attracted. They are still- the Exclusive Brethren – a cruel, misguided sect which treats people appallingly and expects the world to believe its spin and deceit. And worse- to help fund it.
This is the same bunch of people who today, through the power of the internet, would have you believe they are all happy families and contributing citizens -running on beaches and flying kites with their children and handing out sandwiches at various disaster sites, doing good for the world and leading exemplary lives through their testimony. And people in Government and on specialist committees are confused – because they continue to entertain them and to provide them favour.
Why would any Government support the Exclusive Brethren when these people work so hard to destroy the basic fabric of society?  The family unit.
Why do Governments give millions of pounds and dollars to a minority religious sect which states that it hates the world and is made to live separately from it? They use this funding to fund their separatist endeavours and to make the world (which they hate) help pay for their places of so called worship. They say they are entitled because they pay taxes.
Why do Governments throw millions at this Sect’s closed schools, which were established deliberately so that the Brethren children have no influences from outside of the sect and from other ‘worldly’ kids and so it can write its own strict curriculum which cuts out all of the things they don’t agree with, like evolution and the wholesale reading of novels? Novels are illegal in the Exclusive Brethren.
While on the subject of education- why do Governments help finance Brethren schools when the children have no prospect of a university education- as this is categorically banned by the church because Universities are ‘hot beds’ of social engineering? They say they don’t stop children from going to university. But they also say that if you do – you will lose your family and your place in their church. The current leader was told by his own father -that if he pursued a University education he would have no place at the family table.
Why do Governments even entertain debate from a sect that destroys families – something it has been doing for over 50 years?
Let us be clear here that these people do real damage. They inflict hurt everywhere they operate in the world. And they do it under the guise of religion.
From my own perspective, and I speak on behalf of thousands of people in exactly the same position as myself, let’s take the various days in the year that we as ex-Brethren just loathe. Forgetting milestones like birthdays and Christmas – even minor celebrations like Mother’s Day which occurred the other day makes me wince for the memories that flood back. Now I know that Mother’s Day is a commercial concoction -designed to sell flowers and greeting cards. But it is a day which slams home the fact that I don’t have a mother and have not had one since I was a teenager. I had one alright- but the Exclusive Brethren made damned sure I would never see her again. It rams my loss in my face as it does for every person who has been mistreated by this so-called Christian group and I am reminded of what I have lost at the hands of these people each and every year. I also have siblings that I never saw again.
Then there are those who were thrown out and lost their wives and children. Thousands of ex-Brethren today have no contact whatsoever with their own children. If they try to do so- they are thwarted at every turn. The Brethren have been known to move children around so that their parent/s cannot obtain access to them. While the parent/s are ‘under discipline’ they poison the children against them -telling them they are wicked people and to revile them at all costs.
These people may not be ‘of this world’ – but they sure know how to work it. They have used the legal system for decades to frustrate and send broke, parents who wanted their children back. And they win in some cases too! Even if they don’t win the case- which happens as well – the children are so poisoned against their parents that they never get them back. They win the case – but lose what they wanted in the first place. Their families.
And yet we have in Great Britain at the present time, a number of politicians and committee members who read their dishonest websites and glossy submissions and refuse to see the real, underlying evil of this group of people. Despite being told that there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Despite being told that what they are reading is rubbish designed to fool them. Despite hearing about broken families and closed churches and an underlying compulsory hatred for the world.
Ask us what you want to know – ask us about the facts- ask for more evidence and we will give it to you! There are thousands of people who suffer throughout their lives because of the losses inflicted on them by the Exclusive Brethren. Ask us about it!
What is it going to take to get Politicians and Charity Commissioners and Local Government Councilors -who can make a difference – to do the right thing?
Stop entertaining their requests! Stop handing them out concessions and money and take a stand against something that is evil and destroys people’s lives. Religion is supposed to be open to all and is intended to make better people who care about their fellow man.
The Exclusive Brethren are as evil as any dubious, minority sect, in that they are not for the greater good – but their own ends only. They run their church as a business which benefits greatly the people who run it. They run roughshod over people and have done so for decades. They ignore the children among them who have been sexually molested. They welcome pedophiles back with open arms after they have served their prison sentences -but don’t give a fig about the damage inflicted on their victims.
Their phony website is full of warm fuzzy imagery. Parents running about with happy children in seaside locations. I can introduce you to a family who was thrown out because someone thought they saw them having a picnic on a remote beach. I can show their ministry which is full of rules about where they can go and can’t go. There are volumes of rules. A thousand pages of them. And none of them allows running on beaches and jetties and simply having fun. It is deceit -aimed fairly and squarely at people they want favour from. It is designed to deceive.
These people are responsible for many deaths by suicide. They are responsible for an enormous amount of mental illness. They are responsible for destroying so many people and thousands of families. And Governments, for some inexplicable reason, continue to support them despite all of the evidence against them being readily available.
Stop supporting them NOW! Ask for the truth and ask for the evidence and it will be provided.



Posted in A Lighter Look, Truth from within.